Basic Steps to Create an Application Engine

Basic Steps to Create an Application Engine in PeopleSoft

In reviewing my statistics, I found that one common search was “basics steps to create an appengine in PeopleSoft”.  I hope the person(s) found what they were looking for on my blog.  Nonetheless, that gave me the idea to write a simple overview on creating a new Application Engine program.
This post can’t cover everything but I do plan to cover:
·        Creating a new Application Engine definition
·        Setting program properties
·        Understanding program flow
·        Inserting new sections, steps, and actions
·        Loops/logic
·        State records
·        Adding programs to projects
·        Where to go from here

Creating a new Application Engine Definition
Application Engine programs are definitions that are created and edited within Application Designer.  So, open Application Designer and log in.  Next, either use the File > New menu, press Ctrl + N, or click on the “New” icon on the toolbar.
File > New / Ctrl + N:
New icon on the toolbar:
After you do that, you should get a New dialog.  There is where you tell Application Designer what type of new object you want to create.  From here, you will want to choose the “App Engine Program” object type.
This should give you a new Application Engine program window:
You probably want to save your program as you go.  You can use File > Save or Ctrl + S or the Save icon on the toolbar.  The first save will prompt you for a name for your new program:

Settings Program Properties
The first thing you need to do is set your properties.  If nothing else, you need to check the “Disable Restart” button.  So, click on the properties button on the toolbar.
On the first tab of the properties, you should enter a general description of your program.  In the comments area, you want to describe in more detail what your program does.  You should also enter the date, author, and description of changes to the program throughout it’s lifetime.
Read on for more information about State Records later, but the State Records tab is where you connect the state record with your program.
This is the most important property to set.  On the fourth tab, make sure to check the disable restart option.  In my opinion, this should be default.  I don’t have room to go into all of the reasons, but let’s just say that in order to make a program restartable, you need to make several design decisions first.  If you want your program restartable, get it running first, check that your design is restartable, and then, come back here and uncheck the disable restart option.
Understanding Program Flow
The first that you need to understand is what the parts mean and how it runs each piece.  So, here are the parts:
·        Program: a complete application (or a library of functions)
·        Section: like a function in a regular language
·        Step: a single task; like a line of code in a regular language
·        Action: a single action; like a clause in a regular language
The most important thing to understand is that the program starts at the first step in the “MAIN” section.  It runs to the last step of the MAIN section in sequence.  At the last step, the program is done.  The other sections do not run unless they are explicitly called with a “Call Section” action.
Don’t let the names of the steps confuse you.  The name can be anything.  The step sequence number (circled below) is what controls the order of the steps.  If you’re not careful, the step names can confuse you.  In the following example, step02 runs first before step01.
Also, you can’t control the order of the actions.  You should have only one action per step unless you are doing looping.  If you do insert two actions into the same step, you can hit the refresh button on the toolbar and it will rearrange the actions in the order in which they will execute.
Inserting New Sections, Steps, and Actions
These three buttons on the toolbar insert new sections, steps, and actions (respectively).  You can also use the insert menu.
The part of the program you have selected is significant when inserting a new part.  When inserting a section, you used to have to select the previous section.  Also, the order of the sections does not matter, so once you hit the Refresh button it will alphabetize them by their name.  (Remember sections run in the order they are called from MAIN.)
To insert a step, select the step before, and it will insert the new step after what you have selected.  The program will never change the order of the steps.  If you want to reorder them, you have to cut and paste them in the new location.
To insert an action, select the action or step before, and it will insert the new action afterward.  Again, remember that you can’t control the order of the actions.  After you insert the action, you will need to change the type in the drop down:
For most of the actions, you will want to double click on the grey area of the action and open the PeopleCode or SQL editor.  This is what defines exactly what the action does.
Complex logic is best done inside of PeopleCode steps.  Note that you can have an App Engine program with a single PeopleCode step/action.  The PeopleCode can do all of the work for you.
That being said, you can do some logic flow with looping and such in the App Engine itself. This is accomplished with the following action types:
·        Do Select: like a for loop, loops through a set of rows
·        Do While: like a while loop
·        Do When: like an if statement
·        Call Section: branches to another section
First, let’s talk about Do Select.  It is compared to a “for” loop in other programming languages.  Really, it is looping through a result set of rows returned by a select statement.  So, you’ll define a SQL statement for the Do Select action.  The program will execute the statement and execute the following actions in the step for each row returned.
Keep in mind that you can only have one of each action type with each step.  If you need to execute two SQL statements for each row, you will have to create a new section with those SQL actions and use a Call Section with your Do Select.
Next, the Do While loop will go until no rows are returned.  It is similar to the Do Select except that it executes the SQL statement every iteration.  The actions following it are executed when the SQL statement returns 1 or more rows.  Also, note that the actions are executed once for each time the select statement is run no matter how many rows are returned.
Now, the Do When action is like an If statement.  Basically, if the select statement returns a row, that’s true.  If no rows result, it’s false.  So, if the Do When select statement returns a row or more, it executes the action.  If no rows are returned, it moves on to the next Step without running any more actions in the current step.
Finally, the Call Section action is simple: it just runs all the steps in the selected section and comes back to the next step.
State Records
Now, you have the program flow mastered, but you need to know how to pass information between the steps.  The State Record is your tool.  If you are familiar with COBOL, the state record is like the working storage area on a COBOL program.  Or, you could say that the state record is the variables for the App Engine program.
So, to create a state record, you just need to create a new record with a name that ends with “AET”.  You can create a new record the same way as you created the App Engine definition.
In your new record, you need to add at least three fields: PROCESS_INSTANCE, RUN_CNTRL_ID, and OPRID.  You can use the Insert > Fields menu to add fields.  The PROCESS_INSTANCE should be a key.
Next, on the record type tab, you should either select Derived/Work or you should select SQL Table.  If you choose SQL Table, you will need to go through the Build process when you create and each time you change the record.  If you use Derived/Work, you may loose the information in the state record when the program commits (which is no problem if the only commit you have is at the end).
Now, when you save it, make sure that you add the “AET” to the end of the name.  You will not be able to select it on the State Record screen unless it is named appropriately.
Once you have the state record saved, you need to connect it to the App Engine program.  To do so, open the App Engine properties and go to the State Record tab.  Enter the name of the state record in the search box, click the “Get List” button, select the record in the “Record List”, and finally click the “Add” button.
Finally, we can use our state record in our program.  With SQL statements, we can use two different meta-sql commands:
·        %Select: loads a value selected from the database into the state record
·        %Bind: places a value from the state record into a SQL statement
For example, the %Select in this statement will read the EMPLID returned by the select statement and place it in the state record.  Because this is a Do Select, it will fetch each row and run the rest of the actions in the step for each row.  When the action runs the first time, the EMPLID field in the state record will have the EMPLID from the first row as the actions run.  The state record will have the EMPLID from row 2 as the actions run the second time, and so on.
This next example uses %Bind to pull the value from the state record and insert it into a staging table.
Also, in PeopleCode steps, you can refer to the state record with the Record.Field syntax.  If you are familiar with PeopleCode on a page, you understand the buffer.  The buffer for a PeopleCode program in App Engine is your state record, and you access them as if they were in the buffer.
The easiest, quickest way to test your new program is to run it from Application Designer.  When you have the main App Engine window active, you can click the Run button.  You can also use the Edit > Run Program… menu.
This opens the Run Dialog window.  You want to make sure that you select Output Log to File.  If you don’t, the window will close and you won’t be able to see any of the output.  I also uncheck the Run Minimized option so that I can see the window open and close more easily.  Pay attention to the Log File Name because the first thing you want to do when it is done is view the output.
You will eventually want to set most programs up to run online from a Run Control.  Creating a run control is outside of the scope of this post, but here are some thoughts that might help you toward that direction:
·        You will need to create a page with the process scheduler sub page on it and a component containing the page.
·        You will need to create a Process definition where the Process Type is application engine and the name is the same name as your program.
·        You will need to enter the new component name on the Process Definition and select a Process Group that you have access to.
·        When your program starts, PeopleTools will automatically populate the Process Instance, Operator ID, and Run Control ID fields for you.
·        One of the first steps in your program will be to select the parameters from your run control page into your state record.  You will use the Run Control ID and Operator ID that is pre-populated to get the correct values.
Adding Programs to Projects
As you create your program, you should be adding it to a project.  This ensures that once you have it working, you can easily migrate it to your test environment and eventually to production.  The catch is that the program has different parts that must be inserted individually.  The program as a whole must be in the project.  Each section must go into the project, as well as each individual SQL or PeopleCode program.
You run into problems when you miss a part.  App Designer cannot migrate a child definition if the parent definition does not exist in the target.  For example, you can’t migrate any sections if the parent App Engine program does not exist in your target environment.  You can’t migrate a Do Select SQL statement if the section with the parent step/action does not exist in the target.
As you go, I recommend using the F7 key to insert everything your create or change as you do it.  This ensures you don’t forget anything.  When you create a new section, you can right click on the section and insert it into the project:

Assuming you want all of the program and its parts in your project, you can use the insert related definitions option.  Remember, you only want to do this when you created the program by yourself.  If you only modified some of the parts, you only want the parts in your project that you actually changed.  To, use the option, press Ctrl + F7 or use the Insert > Definitions Into Project.  Before you insert the program into the project, highlight all of the Related Definitions.

Basics of Component Interface (CI)

Basics of Component Interface (CI)

CI enables exposure of a component for synchronous assess from another application like, peoplecode, Java, C/C++, XML.

CI executes the business logic into the component and as a result, they provide a higher level of data validation than a simple SQL insert.

In a simple SQL insert, a row is inserted in database without checking for validation.

One CI maps to only one component. But one component can have more than 1 CIs.

Executing business logic mean by using CI we can trigger all checks for validating the fields i.e  checks on field edit, save edit, save pre change, workflow & save post change

Methods used to create, find, modify or delete data.

Pre-requisite of Excel to CI utility.

Characteristics of CI

A CI maps to one and only one component.

CIs are created in Application Designer

Record Fields on the component are mapped to the keys and properties of the CI.

Methods are used to find, create, modify or delete data.

Attributes of CI
Properties and Collections

Component Interface Methods

There are five standard methods which comes while creating CI.

Here is a list of standard methods

GetPropertyInfoByName – CompIntfPropInfoCollection

Peoplesoft Absence Management Overview

Absence Management is an application in PeopleSoft HRMS suit which enables organizations to automate the processes for planning and compensating paid time off (Annual/Sick/Casual/Parental/ Leave etc...) for the employees.
It provides various Self-Service pages for both employees and managers to raise and approve the absence requests respectively. Admins can also raise the requests on behalf of staffs and administer them through dedicated pages.

Elements of Absence Management
There are various elements used in Absence Management that combined to form the entire architecture of the Absence system.
Absence Event - The period for which an employee is absence for the same reason for example, an employee is on Annual Leave for 1 week then this 1 week absence is the event.
Absence Take - The element which represent the reason for Absence Event. In above example, Annual Leave will be the Absence Take.
Entitlement - The amount of paid time off an employee is entitled to take for an Absence Take. 
Entitlement Balance - The amount of unused entitlement
Adjustment - A deduction or addition made from/into the Absence Entitlement balance.
Units - The period of time in which entitlement, take, adjustments, balances, and other absence-related time periods are measured. Typically, units represent either hours or days

Key Concepts in Absence Management


You can create triggers in Absence Management to detect changes made to data in Human Resources. This enables Absence Management to identify payees automatically who needs to be recalculated during an absence run.

Iterative Trigger

An iterative trigger tells the system to process (or reprocess) a payee in the current open calendar, possibly because payee data has changed or the payee was terminated or payee has raised another absence request during the same calendar period.

Retro Trigger

A retroactive (or retro) trigger tells the system to reprocess previously calculated (closed) calendars.


 An employee has raised an absence request for the month of Oct which is a past dated absence request. This absence request will be detected Retro Trigger and processed.

Segmentation Trigger

This trigger tells the system to process a payee’s absence when a data change occur in the middle of the pay period, by dividing the pay period in two segments for the correct result.


A person gets promoted to a higher grade on 17th of the current month and now they are eligible for more number of leaves hence, Segmentation trigger will detect this change and two segments will be created for this pay period 1) 1st to 16th and another from 17th to 31st of the month

Retro Processing Methods

Retro is a term used in Absence when the absence is recalculated for the already closed calendars.

Corrective Retro Processing

This method recalculates all the past dated absences from the month in which the retro even has occurred and update the accumulator for each month with re-calculated results.


This is the absence data for an employee as on Month of March which is current month.

Jan Entitlement = 1
Jan take = 0
Jan balance = 1 

Feb Entitlement = 2
Feb take = 0
Feb balance = 2 

March Entitlement = 3
Jan take = 1
March balance = 2 

Now, the employee raises an absence request for the month of January so this is how the absence data will look like when this request is processed through corrective method.

Jan Entitlement = 1
Jan take = 1 - recalculated
Jan balance = 0 recalculated

Feb Entitlement = 2
Feb take = 1 recalculated
Feb balance = 1 recalculated

March Entitlement = 3
Mar take = 1 recalculated
March balance = 2 recalculate

Forward Processing

How Absences are Processed in PeopleSoft Absence Management System

Visit this page to know more on this - How Absences are Processed in PeopleSoft Absence Management System

Setting Up Absence Management

Here is what you all need to do in sequence to set up Absence Management

Security Setup 

This is the first thing we do when we start the Global Payroll and Absence Management set up. There are two types of security setup for Global Payroll and Absence Management

Element-level security (Set Up HRMS, Security, User Maintenance, Global Payroll User Profile, User Rules Profile )
  • Restricts the elements that a user can view or update, based on the User Rules Profile page and the Used By, Owner, and Override Levels fields on the Element Name page.
Payee-level security (Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Elements - All Element Definition Components)
  • Restricts the payees that a user can view, based on the standard HR security in PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources.

Setting Up Absences
There are broadly areas from where the setup is done:
  1. System Setting
  2. Elements
  3. Framework
  4. Schedules 
  5. Triggers

System Setting

This is where the setup begins. In this area some installation and schedule settings are done along with countries setup like what will be the default retroactive method that should be used in absence processing etc...


Primary Elements - Absence Take and Absence Entitlements
Supporting Elements - Accumulators, Formula, Variable, Bracket, Array etc...

below diagrams shows in what order the elements are created:

Navigation: Set Up HRMS – Product Related – Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt – Elements

Generation Controls

If we want to have a control on the element that during absence processing, it should be resolved only when it meets certain criteria then we use generation control elements.

Generation control works as a switch for another element to be resolved, if the switch is on then the element will be resolved, if switch is off then it won’t.

Scenarios where Generation Control element is used:

If an employee is on Leave of Absence (LOA) then the annual leave entitlement shouldn’t be given to them in which case we can create a Generation Control element which will find out whether an employee is on LOA and based on that it can decide whether the Annual Leave Entitlement element should be resolved or not.


Once the elements have been defined, the framework for processing various absences is setup. Below snapshot is showing the order in which this setup has to be done:

Navigation: Set Up HRMS – Product Related – Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt – Framework


Schedules define workplace attendance expectations for groups of employees, and include definition of

The workdays, scheduling units, and holidays. This information is important to the absence process because it tells the system whether a reported absence occurred during a scheduled work time. Absences during

Scheduled work periods may be paid if they meet your organization's absence rules.

Navigation: Set Up HRMS – Product Related – Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt – Schedules


We Setup various triggers to detect changes occurred in the absence/employee’s data so that that they can be processed during Absence Run.

Navigation: Set Up HRMS – Product Related – Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt – Triggers

Self Service Setups

We configure the absence take elements for Self-Self service users as to how the page will look like, whether forecasting to be used, what will be the error message to be thrown when employee is not eligible for leave, what are all the fields to display in absence request page etc…

Navigation: Set Up HRMS – Product Related – Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt – Absence Management