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Showing posts with label People Tools. Show all posts

Basics of Component Interface (CI)

Basics of Component Interface (CI)

CI enables exposure of a component for synchronous assess from another application like, peoplecode, Java, C/C++, XML.

CI executes the business logic into the component and as a result, they provide a higher level of data validation than a simple SQL insert.

In a simple SQL insert, a row is inserted in database without checking for validation.

One CI maps to only one component. But one component can have more than 1 CIs.

Executing business logic mean by using CI we can trigger all checks for validating the fields i.e  checks on field edit, save edit, save pre change, workflow & save post change

Methods used to create, find, modify or delete data.

Pre-requisite of Excel to CI utility.

Characteristics of CI

A CI maps to one and only one component.

CIs are created in Application Designer

Record Fields on the component are mapped to the keys and properties of the CI.

Methods are used to find, create, modify or delete data.

Attributes of CI
Properties and Collections

Component Interface Methods

There are five standard methods which comes while creating CI.

Here is a list of standard methods

GetPropertyInfoByName – CompIntfPropInfoCollection